What I offer

I offer coaching and counselling to (younger) adults who are feeling stressed, stuck or looking for change but not sure where or how to start. Through 1-1 sessions, we will define your learning goal(s), discover what drives you, and take actions that help you craft life your way. We will use various methodologies founded in psychological theory and fitting to your personal needs.

I coach from the belief that you have all the answers to your questions already within you. As your guide, I will be with you every step of the way to help you find the direction that feels right. Whether it is during or between our sessions, you will always be able to count on me for support, guidance and sometimes even a little challenge.

I primarily coach in English or German, but speak Dutch well so am open to finding a solution if Dutch is your preferred language. My main coaching days are Wednesday - Friday. If this this does not suit your availability, feel free to get in touch to discuss what else is possible.

Standard Session

All regular sessions I hold are one hour long. You can book as many individual sessions as you like.

Coaching Bundles

I offer discounts on coaching packages because I think longer term commitment is necessary to see results.

  • Discover

    Duration: 2 months

    • 1 introductory session

    • 1 discovery intake

    • 4 main session where we work on your personal goals

    • Personalized homework and exercise to further help your discovery

    • An email check-in 3 months after our last session

    484 euros, incl. VAT

  • Empower

    Duration: 3-4 months

    • 1 introductory session

    • 1 empowering intake

    • 5 main session where we work on your personal goals

    • Personalized homework and exercise to further help you feel empowered

    • A follow up session 3 months after our last session to help maintain the change.

    • A check in 3 months after the follow up.

    677 euros, incl. VAT

  • Thrive

    Duration: 5-6 months

    • 1 introductory session

    • 1 intake where discover your learning goals

    • 6-7 main session where we work on your personal goals

    • Personalized homework and exercise to further help you thrive

    • Email or whatsapp contact for further support

    • Follow up sessions to help maintain the change

    • A check-in 3 months after our last session

    968 euros, incl. VAT

Are you a student? Recieve 10% off all my services.

In many cases your employer will be able to support your coaching costs, for example via a personal development budget. Be sure to check this if you are interested to make use of it.

I understand coaching is not affordable for everyone. If you are interested in working with me, but are worried about the costs, get in touch and we can discuss options.

Questions before you get started?

Get in touch!

Group Sessions and Workshops

Are you looking for a fun and insightful workshop or group training session? Maybe for your team, association, or upcoming wellbeing week? Get in touch! While I have standard workshops on offer, I am always open to cutomize group sessions and workshops according to your interests. For more information and to discuss possibilities, send me an email.

Are you ready to get a better understanding of your own values, goals and needs?