Hi, I’m Charlie!

I am a coach and counsellor with a background in psychology (BSc from University College Utrecht & MSc from Kings College London). I hold an LVSC, IAC, and NRTO accredited diploma as a coach and counsellor from the Academy of Coaching and Counselling, and have worked with clients from various backgrounds.

I am passionate about helping people make conscious choices that allow them to craft life their way. Especially in times of transition, where there can often be confusion and doubt, I aim to help my clients find clarity and calmth.


By helping you reflect on who you are, what you want, and how this can translate into tangible actions.


Because I truly believe that by understanding yourself better, and making decisions that are in line with your personal values, goals and needs, you are able to live a much happier, energised and fulfilled life. And who doesn’t want that..?

How do I know?

Because I have experienced it myself.

My Story

After finishing my studies, I was - like many - confronted with pretty big choices. What will I do next? Where will I live? What will my career look like? And what does this all mean for my future? While these questions scared me, I tried to take them one step at a time, and started looking for opportunities. Yet with every step of my search I became more confused about what it is that I truly wanted. There were so many directions I could take, how would I know which one was right? I felt lost and demotivated.

What helped me find my way, was taking a step back and reflecting on who I actually am. What gives me energy, what are my values, and what am I good at?

Reflecting on these questions, helped me understand what it is I find important in life - both on a work and personal level. It helped me understand what my own desires are, void of the internal and external expectations that were clouding my vision.

And what I realised I really want, is to connect with and support others in finding clarity, feeling empowered, and making choices that truly fit them. Since then, I have obtained my coaching diploma, worked with a number of clients from all over the world, and started my own coaching practice.

So here I am, ready to coach and support you on your own journey.

Want to know a little more about me?

Here are some fun facts!

  • Fun Fact #1

    After highschool I had a period in which I wanted to get into musical theater. I even did a prep course for auditions...but I quickly realised that it may be better to keep it as a hobby rather than make it my profession. I haven’t acted or been in a stage performance since.

  • Fun Fact #2

    I love food! Cooking food, watching cooking videos, talking about food, but especially eating food. It just never fails to make me happy and seems to always fit my needs perfectly.

  • Fun Fact #3

    I have lived in 7 countries, and currently live in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. While I loved growing up in so many different places, it was not always easy. Especially after leaving my parents home I struggled with feelings of rootlessness and often found it difficult to know where I was at home.

  • Fun Fact #4

    I once told my boyfriend that beer was one of my hobbies. And I was pretty serious about it…I think I still am. Cheers!

Can you resonate with my story? Do you feel like we could get along?

Let’s have a chat. I look foward to hearing from you.